Why Boris Johnson or any other Westminster Leader cannot deny an Independence Referendum

Boris Johnson cannot deny Scots the right to vote for an Independence Referendum, nor deny Scotland the right to be Independent If the majority of Scots choose to do so.
Oh sure, Westminster can huff and puff for all it is worth, and they can challenge legally for all they like, but at the end of the day if the people of Scotland choose democratically to either have a referendum, or choose by the means of a referendum or an election to have Independence, then the will of people will be upheld, and recognised Internationally to be the case.

Why can I be absolutely certain of this? Quite simply because of the recognised Sovereignty of the people of Scotland as set out in the Claim of Right as set out by the Scottish Constitutional Convention of 1989, and reaffirmed without dissent in Westminster on the 4th of July 2018.

The motion to the Commons Chamber that day was ” That This House endorses the principles of the Claim of Right for Scotland,agreed by the Scottish Constitutional Convention in 1989 and by the Scottish Parliament in 2012, and therefore acknowledges the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of government best suited to their needs”

The main question was put to the House and unanimously agreed to.

from Hansard

” Resolved

That this House endorses the principles of the Claim of Right for Scotland, agreed by the Scottish Constitutional Convention in 1989 and by the Scottish Parliament in 2012,and therefore acknowledges the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of government best suited to their needs”

In effect, should the Scottish people choose to elect a majority of representatives of people from political parties who are campaigning to have a Scottish Independence Referendum, that referendum cannot be denied!
Forget this nonsense of needing a section 30 order, we dont need it, its just political dressing.

If Nicola Sturgeons preferred route is still to ask for a section 30, only to have it denied, and then proceed to have a referendum, we can expect Legal challenges to delay matters, but these will be resolved at some point and a referendum will still take place, its just kicking the can further down the road, and we can expect delay upon delay upon delay.

This is why Alex Salmond and the Alba party want to inject more urgency into the matter, and Indeed why some within the SNP were campaigning for a Plan B, and also to have an election as a plebiscite.

In this next parliament it is absolutely essential to have differing Independence voices in the parliament, that way we can all of us on the Independence side be represented, and Independence achieved.

Whatever happens, the will of the Scottish people cannot and will not be denied, we just need to speak with a common voice for our Sovereignty and our Independence, whatever our political allegiances.

About auldacquaintance

I am not a member of any political party. I am however a strong supporter of Scots Independence. Any views which I express in this Blog are purely my own. This Blog intends to be a place where I will be putting my views on Scots Independence. It will primarily concern itself with the upcoming Referendum In Scotland. However It will also be somewhat diverse in the range of day to day issues which are evident to me in modern day Scotland. Not all of it will be political, and indeed may take me off into avenues I am not even aware of yet. Please come and join in on this journey, and any comments are welcome provided they are not abusive! All the best from a new acquaintance! Rod
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2 Responses to Why Boris Johnson or any other Westminster Leader cannot deny an Independence Referendum

  1. creating a subtle thought that we could be attacked if we don’t sign, it could work again.

  2. I made a larger comment it seems to have vanished, perhaps it was rubbish and fate stepped in and made it vanish, too tired to write it all over again. Aye on second thoughts it is/was daft thinking.

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