I was YES now I’m NO

I have noticed recently some folk making the statement that they voted YES during the last Indy referendum, but that they would now vote NO because Scotland is against Brexit.
They justify this about turn by stating….

I wont vote yes again if they go against brexit
I want to be ruled by Scotland not Europe

My very simple response to such an argument has been as follows

” No….you want to be ruled by Westminster…get it right!”

These people are not trolls, they genuinely do take that attitude. I know, because I know some of them personally.
Of course they will be encouraged by real trolls who will back them up and pretend that they too voted YES but are now voting NO.

Why then should it be that the genuine ones have taken this about face?
Some admittedly only want and have ever wanted a totally Independent Scotland and are taking a hard line in a fit of pique. They are cutting off their noses to spite their face but they don’t care.
Which of course begs the question why they voted YES the first time round when the argument was purely Independence from Westminster, and we would still have been arguing to remain in Europe even when Westminster said we would be kicked out.
Did they really buy that we would be kicked out and voted on that basis, or did it not really matter all that much to them at that point?

Yet somehow now that England has voted for Brexit, voting NO is now infinitely preferable, even when Westminster and the Tories will Lord it over us for the next 20 years or so given the awful state of Labour.

The EU is a trade partnership and EU Laws do not impinge on us anywhere close to how Westminster runs rough shod over us. In or out of the EU , Many of the EU Laws ensconced in Scots Law will be with us long after I have left this mortal coil.
Many of these Laws are good Laws and very few of the ones we don’t like so much are not really all that bad.
In this day and age in the global economy no matter what trading block we happen to be part of, there are Laws whether we like them or not, and no Country that is in any way going to be successful has to negotiate trade. No country is entirely and absolutely Independent.
Indeed would we really want to be so Independent that we cut ourselves off from the rest of the world? Remembering that cuts both ways. If we want to go out into the world, we have to let some of the world come to us.

It really makes no sense whatsoever in my opinion to move from YES to No under these circumstances.
In order for these people to get what they want to achieve, they would have to want another Independence referendum. The reason we can have another Independence referendum so soon is because Brexit causes a material change in circumstance.
Given that 62% of Scots voted to Remain, gives us the chance to ask for the referendum.
Only after a YES vote creating an Independent Scotland, can we as a people decide on what direction we wish our country to go in. And it is only then that these Brexit loving Scots can press for and argue for a completely Independent Scotland, or whatever other big issues they want to pursue.
We can be certain only as an Independent Scotland can we truly choose our own decisions, even with EU Laws. One of these decisions can be to rearrange our relationship to the EU if there are enough in favour.
If they really really want out of the influence of the EU then they will find that Breakfast doesn’t quite cut it….They would probably best move to Outer Monglia.

So to reiterate… If you vote NO to Scottish Independence because of wanting Brexit.
It is because you want Westminster to rule your lives.

Choose YES….Choose Choice!

About auldacquaintance

I am not a member of any political party. I am however a strong supporter of Scots Independence. Any views which I express in this Blog are purely my own. This Blog intends to be a place where I will be putting my views on Scots Independence. It will primarily concern itself with the upcoming Referendum In Scotland. However It will also be somewhat diverse in the range of day to day issues which are evident to me in modern day Scotland. Not all of it will be political, and indeed may take me off into avenues I am not even aware of yet. Please come and join in on this journey, and any comments are welcome provided they are not abusive! All the best from a new acquaintance! Rod
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15 Responses to I was YES now I’m NO

  1. It is no longer a case of when if or should. The Case is simply Scotland NEEDS to be An INDEPENDENT Country for the sake of those who come after us. Even those who come after we are Long Gone.

  2. bringiton says:

    We can only make decisions about whether to pool our Sovereignty or not as an independent nation state.
    First things first.

  3. epicyclo says:

    I don’t believe anyone who says that actually voted Yes.

  4. William Ferguson says:

    I voted yes to independence in 2014 and voted to leave the EU in 2016 as I believe we should only have a trade agreement outside of our country. When we are asked again for our vote for independence then my vote will still be yes and hopefully we will attain our freedom from the UK then we can think about the EU in or out.

  5. violet mullen says:

    I was yes but now i’m no as i do not believe you can remain in the EU and be independent

    • So in all honesty you want independence but will vote no to gaining independence? I find it difficult to believe that anybody can say I want everything on my terms or I’ll spoil it for everybody else! You cant get out of the EU and the UK at the same time one has to come first and I do think you really know this,it must be the UK we dissolve first,only then will we be able to vote,and have all of our votes count,to be in or out of the EU.Let me pose it this way to you;If we manage to get the Union of the UK dissolved,and then the majority vote to stay IN the EU will you pack up and move to England,Wales or Northern Ireland?

  6. Reblogged this on charlesobrien08 and commented:
    I left this in answer to someone who said they had changed to no from yes because they want out of the EU as well as the UK:So in all honesty you want independence but will vote no to gaining independence? I find it difficult to believe that anybody can say I want everything on my terms or I’ll spoil it for everybody else! You cant get out of the EU and the UK at the same time one has to come first and I do think you really know this,it must be the UK we dissolve first,only then will we be able to vote,and have all of our votes count,to be in or out of the EU.Let me pose it this way to you;If we manage to get the Union of the UK dissolved,and then the majority vote to stay IN the EU will you pack up and move to England,Wales or Northern Ireland?

  7. I think some who take this attitude had a good idea that we would lose the independence referendum so could safely vote yes,but now they are returning to their true colours.They are,like you say,wanting ruled by Westminster and,I think they have been plants all along and we do know that the SNP have been infiltrated by Special Branch for years the ‘Branch have also infiltrated most,if not all of the YES groups.Any political group or party that is not one of the approved Westminster parties,and there are three of them(approved that is),will be looked at very carefully and kept in focus,reports done and even some little sabotage jobs when and where necessary.I could be wrong,but I really don’t think so.

    • Sorry to disagree Charles….but I do know some of them personally and they are neither plants nor naturally for NO….
      Rather they have far more aversion to the EU and previously voted YES thinking that they would subsequently be able to vote out of the EU while the UK remained in.
      They voted for brexit….and are happy with that….and don’t want to vote for an independent Scotland which would take them back in.

  8. wwilmawatts says:

    I know someone who only voted yes because he believed we would be thrown out of the EU.

  9. iainmore2016 says:

    I voted Yes in 2014 but I voted Leave in EU Referendum but I will vote Yes again in Indy Ref 2. Getting free of what is now basically a Nazi Govt in London is the priority. When you have a Tory Home Sect making speeches at a Tory Party Conference that could have come straight out of Mein Kampf then I call it Nazi.

    I am Scottish first and Scottish second and Scottish last and always and never ever British. I couldn’t live with myself if I voted to keep an anti Scottish Govt in London ruling us. We need to get free of London Rule! I would view anybody who doesn’t as nothing better than a slave who is condemning future generations of Scots to a brutal future.

  10. twathater says:

    Iain More, ditto I done the same , I voted to remain in the EU even though I have grave reservations about it’s direction of travel and a lot of its policies eg. TTIP, CETA and their corporate stance.

    I have expressed my opinions clearly on many indy sites, BUT and it is a big but independence from westmonster and their repeated theft of our assets whilst demonising and vilifying Scotland and the Scots from ALL unionist parties TRUMPS my concerns about the EU..
    The EU can and must change which we may play a part in, BUT westmonster and the greed driven corrupt parasites operating there will never change

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