Putting down my pen

Having written this blog now since November 2011, I have come to the point where I have nothing new to say that I haven’t already said about the Independence referendum..
Its all a case of following Better Together say No thanks going round in ever diminishing circles.
If you haven’t made up your mind by now which way you are going to vote, then there is not a lot more that I can tell you.

I am mainly giving up writing now because I don’t have the energy to write and work 12 hour night shifts retail merchandising, and as I don’t have the means to financially support myself by writing alone, It’s time to call a halt.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my thoughts and opinions over the piece, and thanks to those who have done, I have appreciated it.

There are many more good blogs out there for you to follow, and I recommend you pay particular attention to the large variety available on the referendum.

Roll on September 18th, and please say YES

Thank you and good night.

About auldacquaintance

I am not a member of any political party. I am however a strong supporter of Scots Independence. Any views which I express in this Blog are purely my own. This Blog intends to be a place where I will be putting my views on Scots Independence. It will primarily concern itself with the upcoming Referendum In Scotland. However It will also be somewhat diverse in the range of day to day issues which are evident to me in modern day Scotland. Not all of it will be political, and indeed may take me off into avenues I am not even aware of yet. Please come and join in on this journey, and any comments are welcome provided they are not abusive! All the best from a new acquaintance! Rod
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33 Responses to Putting down my pen

  1. Anne says:

    Sorry your not going to write anymore I looked forward to reading your thoughts and views also my sister in Austrlia she is coming home for the vote I have sent her everyone ,you have gave me food for thought and I thank you for putting in the time it has not been wasted .
    Take care Anne and Mags from oz

    • Thanks Anne, glad you enjoyed my writing, I enjoyed writing it too. Unfortunately I have reached burn out and don’t have either the time nor energy for more..
      Well done to your sister too! I know of at least one other also returning home from Australia next month in order to register to vote.

  2. Drew says:

    You will be sorely missed on the Blog front Rod.
    However personal circumstances must take preference.
    No doubt we will still chat on social media.
    Take care

    • Thanks Drew, I will of course still be keeping an eye on Aye4Scotland and The Road to Independence FB group pages and possibly help Eilidh a bit more with Aye4Scotland twitter account.

  3. Robin says:

    Enjoyed all your blogs Rod. Keep going strong. Robin

  4. panda paws says:

    I’ve also enjoyed your blog but save your energies for work and maybe a bit of campaigning nearer the 18th September

  5. fynesider2 says:

    Thanks for all your thoughts Rod… I’ve enjoyed every word…

  6. Stevie says:

    Always useful insight – good job

  7. bearinorkney says:

    Recuperate and come back in September for the final few weeks and give us your thoughts.

    You can always post on other blogs before then. Don’t be a stranger.

  8. Vee Mack says:

    I’ve enjoyed your blogs very much. Thank you

  9. Turra Loon says:

    Good luck for the future Rod. I know we are going to win. Vote ‘Yes’.

  10. Morag says:

    Your blog was the first one I ever read and wow it made me feel great!…here was another person who thought the same….you were a breath of fresh air. so sorry you will be retiring from the blog but I am sure to see you around in our new independent country. Your balanced and well measured words will take you further into a bright future. All the best.

  11. midgehunter says:

    Look, your blog and NNS were the ones that got me into the indie debate about 3 years ago, so as far as I’m concerned when all has been reached with independence for Scotland and people start to reflect on how the fight was won, then Auld Acquaintance will still be remembered as one of the driving forces behind it. You should be proud.
    It’s sad to see someone go before the 18 Sept. – however – don’t stop writing and posting anywhere else, we still need you.

    • I may have a few comments to make, and possibly the odd article in the Huffington, which will be reproduced here, but for the foreseeable future, It’s down time.
      Perhaps August may see a final flurry before the big day. It all depends on my health and life work balance at that point.

  12. Gordon T says:

    Enjoyed reading your blog, over a few years now. I work overseas and your blogs and others kept me up to date with the REAL Referendum news, as opposed to the MSM and their selective reports. Many thanks & I can’t say I’m surprised you’ve reached the end of this particular road at this stage.

    We may never have met and likely never will meet but the common cause and your thoughts here have awakened a certain “kinship”, if nothing else. You and many other bloggers on indy will be toasted when the results come in, for your tenacity in the face of the nay-sayers and their relentless regurgitations of mis-quotes, selective definitions and down-right lies.

    For enabling me to elaborate my thoughts in a more convincing way, Slainte Mhor!

  13. Iain Lawson says:

    Thanks for your contribution, much appreciated

  14. SheenaJ says:

    Really sorry to hear this, please reconsider!! I have always enjoyed reading your blogs, maybe as someone said above, as you get closer to the day you might feel inspired again. Many thanks and best wishes.

    • Thanks, and I am glad you liked my posts. Unfortunately my life balance at present doesn’t allow me to continue.
      It’s not through lack of will that I have put my virtual pen down, just no energy left.

  15. Helena Brown says:

    Sorry to have lost you just as I found you but understand. Not much more any of us can say to people, if they have not found out what they need to know they obviously are not looking and we can only assume they are not interested enough to bother voting. Those who believe the mainstream media will continue to though a wee push in the right direction is all that is needed. I think we are winning, we Scots are not demonstrative on the whole and just quietly get on with it. This is why we are so difficult to read and hence the shocks we have given the Establishment since 1979. Let us hope there is a seismic one in the end for them this time. Thank you so much for your time and effort, it was appreciated.

  16. Sorry to see the blog to go into hiatus. Hopefully you’ll be back. Recharge the batteries and take it easy. The final weeks to the vote will need you and the many others who support Scottish sovereignty 🙂

  17. Ann Jackson Best. says:

    Please don’t make a stranger of yourself, you have motivated many of us and we need more of you!! Thank you so very much for the thoughtfulness you have provided and I must say, there is indeed more you could add by just staying here and posting your unselfish, intelligent and eloquent postings that has moved so many of us in the right direction. 🙂

  18. wwilmawatts says:

    Just found you a few months ago and will be sorry not to hear from you but understand totally.
    Do I hear a bit of frustration in there? I agree that if people are not convinced by now it is a forlorn hope indeed. Because of my own health issues I am trying to calm down and take a bit of a back seat. I think I mentioned in a previous post that my son called me a “fundamentalist”. This made me realize that my enthusiasm could be off putting, unless talking to likeminded people of course. I try to be more measured in my approach and add a bit of humour whereas it used to be ” all guns blazing”!
    Recently spoke to my niece and she is convinced that people have already made up their minds but many of them have the ingrained attitude that you do not tell anyone how you vote. There is nothing we can do about true blue Unionists and the undecideds could be closet Yesses and keeping quiet.
    The most important thing today is your health So look after yourself and be healthy for September.
    Good luck, x

  19. Jim Corse says:

    Thank you for all your efforts to date. Stay healthy to enjoy 18/09 /14 you will have earned the right to celebrate and be in the front of the parade!

  20. Angus says:

    We are very close to winning and we will win.

    Be satisfied that you have made quite a contibution.

    Thanks and take care.

  21. Bill McLean says:

    Thanks for all your efforts on behalf of our nation!

  22. Thanks from me too, and all the best getting the work-life balance in kilter.

  23. All the best for a now and the future whatever it holds as there is going to be masses of info to be written for the history books of how Scotland regained its independence through the ballot box and those selfless souls writing on blogs to counter the misinformation by our MSM. None of you will get a statue in stone but you will not be forgotten, thanks..

  24. Rod, thanks for all your hard work in opening Scotland’s eyes……….Regards.

  25. xsticks says:

    Sorry to hear you are giving up the blog Rod. I’ve enjoyed all your posts and have been reading since the heady days of blethering with Brian when we could comment on bbc articles.

    I have to say I too am finding it difficult to keep up with all the online debates and getting out to do the face to face campaigning. I think it is important that we all try and get out as this is where the difference will be made and my gut feeling is that we are winning the campaign on the ground.

    Thanks for all your input and I hope you stay well.

  26. i think the internet argument has been won, as far at that goes. So, do not worry, your absolutely well deserved pause will not be sinking the boat. However, do not drop it like a hot potato. If your next neighbour is havering (as mine are), go, speak to them. There are many folks who do not bother with politics on the net – or not at all – who may be open to persuasion.
    OK, just a thought.

  27. sneekyboy says:

    You have been a great writer. Good luck in the future.

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